
Science is my favorite subject because you get to discover new things like  magnetism,sound,heat,light and many more.

This subject helps put our ideas to reality like to prove that dinosaurs exist or that we can live in mars or being immortal but these are just guesses, these are still not proven.

If you think that we are just fools to try and try but these things still will not happen then you are wrong because Thomas Edison invented light through science and Benjamin Franklin who invented electricity through a kite.

But we student start these experiments through a simple subject like science where we learn about life and about our surroundings.

Science has endless possibilities which can help change the world

So have you made any new inventions or have you proven that dinosaurs exist or people living in mars?

Well now be one of the first to discover new things or inventions and share it.

view;_ylt=A2KJkIezCzxRjh4A6ZOJzbkF= Thomas Edison;_ylt=A2KJkK2LCzxRrAgAUuiJzbkF?p=science+thomas+edison&fr=crmas&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search

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